このSteps to Christについて
🕮Ellen White wrote this wonderful book "Steps for Chirst" in the late 19th century.
It might seem that it would be out of fashion, but the truth is that the theme it deals with: Justification by faith becomes more valid every day in this world.
🕮Many who claim to know Jesus claim that he was a prophet or a great human being and nothing more.
But, the reality is that Jesus is the Son of God, who came to die on Calvary to give us the chance for salvation.
🕮This wonderful salvation of which this book "Steps of Chirst" teaches us and which consists in knowing and loving Jesus, the author and finisher of faith.
🕮For this reason, we invite you to download this Application and keep it on your smartphone so that you can read it carefully and learn about the plan of salvation that is offered to us free from heaven.
🕮The "Steps of Christ" Application is compatible with all android devices and meets the needs of man to find peace and security, always based on the Holy Scriptures.
Go ahead, come and learn more about Jesus.
His friends