このGosha e Duroodについて
Ahadits, describing Benifits of reciting drood on HazratMuhammad(PBUH):
1. For every one DuroodShareef that you recite, ten sins are forgiven, ten good deeds are written into your Ama’lNa’ama and your rank is raised by ten.
2. Allah bless a man with ten blessings each time he recites Durood.
3. The first man who will meet Prophet (SallalLaahuAlaihiWasallim) on the Day of Judgement will be that person who had recited the Durood maximum number of times in his life time.
Features of application:
1. User can create his/her account to avail all the recent updates of the app.
2. User can also take benefits from the app by making his/her occurrence by choosing "as a GUEST" option, however no updates will be provided to a guest account.
3. After login as a guest user will be sent to the home page where user will be facilitated by these following options (username, target of tasbihaat, current value of tasbihaat, remaining tasbihaat to approach the targereted value and my contribution).
4. Next toHOME tab, there is a HISTORY tab where user can check his/her daily reciting of tasbihaat.
5. After that there is a TASBEEH tab where user can count his/her droods and then submit, there is another option where user can MANUALLY enter his/her contribution.
6. The last tab will allow user to check his/her ACCOUNT INFORMATION,ALL DUROODS, ABOUT US, RATE US and OUR MORE APPS.