このGuess social network: new quizについて
Do you like to spend a lot of time in internet? Do you often spend your free time in social networks? Then we offer you to test your knowledge and pass new quiz guess social network. We have collected for you a huge number of different most popular social network download free in the world and have changed them a bit, so that you would not be so easy to guess everything. Now you can spend time with benefit and playing new minigames. See if you can guess the logo of social network or you have to use tips or help from friends. If you think you know absolutely everything about social networks, then start the quiz with logos! Call your friends to the game and try to guess popular social networks of Russia, Europa, USA and etc.
Start playing and guess logos of popular social networks that we show you. As soon as you understand what social network is in front of you, write its name from the letters we have suggested. If you gave the right answer - rather go to the next level of logo quiz where you will have even more questions from our quiz with logos. For each correctly given answer you will receive points and you will be able to use them in order to get various kinds of hints.
We hope that it will be interesting for you to pass our new quiz with logos and you can quickly and correctly guess social network.
Disclaimer: All social network logos represented in this quiz game belong to their respective owners. The use of low-resolution images for recognition in the informative context of this entertainment application is considered to be bona fide, according to copyright law.