このHarvard Reference Style Guideについて
Short, simple and easy Harvard Referencing List Guide for academic students
Referencing or citing your sources is an important part of academic writing. It lets you acknowledge the ideas or words of others if you use them in your work and helps avoid plagiarism.
Referencing also demonstrates that you've read relevant background literature and you can provide authority for statements you make in your assignments.
The Harvard citation style can vary in minor features such as punctuation, capitalisation, abbreviations, and the use of italics.
Note: Always check with your instructor/professor for which citation style they prefer you to use.
Getting started with Harvard referencing
Reference formats & examples
Books & e-books
Journal articles
Lecture notes
Conference proceedings
Personal communications
Multi-media materials
Company information
Patents & standards
Encyclopedia & Dictionary Entries
Case Studies
Sample In-Text References
Sample Reference List
Which referencing style should I be using?
Before you write your reference list or bibliography, check with your lecturer/tutor which style they prefer you to use and refer to the instructions included with your assignment.
Contact your College Librarian for help with referencing.