Move right on the lower platform of The Plains. You will see four jars holding up an upper platform. Pick them up with the hold button and throw them by jumping and holding the hold button until you can pass. Or just slice the jars with your sword. Kill the bush beetle with your magic bolt. Your next treasure is right behind it!Right when you get into the boss fight, turn on dimension rift and destroy the two towers shooting beams at the boss to make a shield. The boss is invulnerable until you destroy his shield by hitting the two towers (which you can only see with dimension rift on). While his shield is down, turn off dimension rift and just hack and slash him. Make sure to turn on dimension rift again and kill the towers if his shield comes back.Drop down again and go all the way right. Hit the blue button with your sword and get off in the middle left level. Take the box and go back down to the bottom level. Use the box to hold down the button for the door. Continue moving left and hit the blue button at the end of the level and take the elevator down to the Forgotten Keep Cellar.