このHR Log Reviewについて
An app to visualise heart rate, GPS coordinates, and accelerometry from heart rate (logged from a Bluetooth heart rate monitor), accelerometer and GPS data logged simultaneously with the Bluetooth LE Heart Rate Logger, GPS Logger, and the Accelerometer Logger apps I've written and published.
The app is meant to be useful as a way to quickly visualise your commute or jog. I use the app to track my conditioning by keeping track of my bicycle commute. Since the route I take is always the same, and I use the same bike, I should be seeing similar heart rates with similar pace if I am maintaining my conditioning. Likewise, if I were fatigued or getting ill, I would expect to start seeing higher heart rates at a given pace.
-Visualises the logged heart rate in a GraphView graph.
-Picks corresponding GPS and accelerometry log files (if any exist0 started within two minutes of the heart rate log file based on file name
-Visualises both measured and reduced (Ramer–Douglas–Peucker series reduction to minimise effects of noise on the distance measure) coordinates on Google Maps API map, and shows the corresponding speed profile in a GraphView graph.
-Analyses and shows mean amplitude deviation (a measure of intensity) in a GraphView graph.
-Mean amplitude deviation analysis is done in 5 s epochs that overlap by 4 s, that is once every 1 s.
Terms of Use, Licensing, and Privacy Policy
This app is written by Timo Rantalainen (tjrantal at gmail dot com), and is free to use as you best see fit. The app is licensed with Apache 2.0 license, which means that I accept no liability whatsoever related to the use of the app.
This app uses Jonas Gehring's GraphView library, which is licensed with Apache 2.0 license (License terms below) to display graphs.
This app uses Lukasz Wiktor's series-reducer library, which is licensed with Apache 2.0 license.
This app uses Apache Commons Math 3.6 library, which is licensed with Apache 2.0 license.
This app uses Java Matrix Package 1.0.3 library, which has been released to the public domain.
This app uses Google Maps API. Google API may store cookies, and this app is subject to Google Maps API terms of use and privacy policies. In specific, in using this app you are bound by Google’s Terms of Service, and you agree to Google's privacy policy.