このIce Bucket Gameについて
アイスバケットと面白いゲーム - アイスキューブでバケツを埋める!
Recycle your 100 Ice Cubes. Your goal is to fill the buckets with Ice Cubes, but you have only 100 of them. Because demand on Ice Buckets is raising very fast, you have to fill the buckets even faster with your cubes. Do not waste them! The Ultimate Ice Bucket Challenge!
Drop Ice Cubes by touching the screen and try to fill them in the buckets which will move by. If you miss the bucket those Ice Cubes are lost forever, they are wasted. If you hit the Bucket, you will get the Ice Cubes back into your reservoir! You get a point for every Ice Cube in a bucket - aim to get the most points!
This game is free to play, will not distract you with any logins, just pure gameplay, low loading times and made with Unity.
If you like the Idea of the all known Ice Bucket Challenge please donate to ANY charity, not only ALS. There are lots of other things you can donate money for, please do donate a litte bit to help someone.