このInstaStory Saver For Instagramについて
InstaStory saver For Instagram allows to save photos and videos from instagram story . By login into InstaStory saver For Instagram which automatically downloads images/videos,
you can save into your device, repost on INSTAGRAM, share FACEBOOK, TWITTER and other social networks.
Once logged in with your Instagram account, you will see a list of people you follow on Instagram story .
Tap a insta story from the list to view it, and swipe left and right to navigate through other insta story they have posted.
1. Re-uploading image/video stories and is NOT encouraged, please seek owner approval.
2. This app is not affiliated with Instagram.
3. Any unauthorized downloading or re-uploading of contents and/or violations of Intellectual property rights is the sole responsibility of the user.
Please make sure you have your friends permission before you save their Posts, Stories or Live Stream