このIT QUIZについて
IT Quiz will help the students in their basic Information Computer Technology subjects. The quiz is composed of 4 categories that has lots of questions and also provides correct answer.
General: IT Quiz Application is created to review the students, improve and test their knowledge regarding their subjects.
Start Quiz : It will start the quiz and will allow you to choose a subject.
Home Button : Allows you to go back to the Home page
Leave Button: Allows you to leave the quiz and go back to the page where you will choose a subject.
Note#1: Once you started a quiz it will now start recording the time which will be one of the criteria of choosing the highest score.
Note#2: If you choose to leave the game it will automatically delete your current record. It will not be saved.
Note#3: At the End of the quiz it will require you to put your name for your record to be saved.