このiTorrent Free Torrent Clientについて
iTorrent is a simple and beautiful BitTorrent and xTorrent based torrent application for Android phones and tablets . The power of the ztorrent and protocol is now in your palms. You can easily share files on your phone or tablet, and download files to your phone or tablet.
* No ttorrent download and send speed limit
* Ability to select files to utorrent download
* Possibility of specifying file and folder priority
* Magnet link support
* NAT-PMP, UPnP and DHT (Universal plug and play) support
* support eTP (etorrent Transfer Protocol) and PeX (Peer Exchange)
* Sequential torent download
* Possibility to move files during itorrent download
* Multiple rtorrent files download support
* for torent downloading files of very large sizes Support
* Recognizing the magnet torent links in the browser
* Encryption xtorrent support
* A torrent download option only via Wireless
* Different BirTorrent themes (Light, Dark and Light but the status bar is dark)
* Modern (Holo) torent interface
* Compatible i torrent interface to tablets and android smartphones.
*PeX, DHT, UPnP, LSD, encryption, µTP, NAT-PMP
*IP filtering for iTorrent (eMule dat and PeerGuardian)
*Ability to fine tune for i torrent (UI settings, battery control,power management, network settings, etc.)
*Supports torrent z with large number of torrent files and big movie files (like 4k movies or operation systems)
More features coming soon for i torrent
* iTorrent supporting magnet links and HTTP\S
*fast proxy for itorrent peers and bit trackers Support
*Ability to move itorrent files while downloading
*Ability to automatic movement of ttorrent files to another file directory or to an external hard drive at the end of torrent files download
*Ability to select which files to torent download
*Ability to specify file and folder priorities
*Special Material Design for iTorrent
* Ability to u torrent download sequentially
*Tablet optimized iTorrent UI
* Ready Scheduling module for iTorrent
* RSS manager module for iTorrent
* Android TV support for xtorrent x torrent
* Streaming of any selected bittorrent files