このiZing Mantrasについて
iMantras is collection of powerful mantras. In addition to the rendering of the mantras, the app includes deep, soothing music and colorful, vibrant visuals.
Listening to these mantras will fill your heart with peace and devotion. The soft, deep energy emanating from these mantras is ideal for meditation. As you listen to the mantras everyday you will notice that the peace that you feel when you listen to it stays with you even when you are not listening to it and while you conduct your day-to-day activities.
You can listen to these mantras in a variety of ways. We suggest one of the following methods to listen to these mantras. Choose the method that suits best your temparament in any given moment:
* Relaxed listening: Simply listen to the mantras. Let the mantras enter your ears as a gentle breeze would.
* Active listening: Actively listen to the mantras. Pay attention to the sound of each mantra. Or become aware of the silence between the mantras. Or try to listen to the mantras with your whole body. Let the mantras enter your system through all parts of your body.
* Participatory listening I: After you hear each mantra try to repeat that mantra.
* Participatory listening II: After you hear each mantra chant your own mantra, if you have one (that is, the mantra you received from your Guru). Or you can respond to each mantra with the following mantras based on the deity:
Sri Ganesha: Aum Ganeshaya Namaha
Sri Siva: Aum Sivaya Namaha
Sri Vishnu: Aum Vishnave Namaha
Maha Lakshmi: Aum Maha Laksmhyayi Namaha
Sri Rama: Aum Ramaya Namaha
Sri Hanuman: Aum Hanumate Namaha
For example, if you are listening to Ganesha's 108 names, after you hear each name, respond "Aum Ganeshaya Namaha."
Presently we have the following mantras:
* 108 Names of Sir Ganesha
* 108 Names of Sri Siva
* 108 Names of Sri Vishnu
* 108 Names of Maha Lakshmi
* 108 Names of Rama
* 108 Names of Hanuman
* 1000 Names of Vishnu or Vishu Sahasra Namavali. The thousand names of Lord Vishnu are chanted such that each name is chanted as a mantra. This is a rare rendering of the 1000 names. This is different from the Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram in which the entire set of 1000 names is chanted as a poem. In this album you can hear each of the thousand names distinctively.
Each of the above set of mantras is accompanied by invocation mantras and music.
最新バージョン 1.0.27 の更新情報
* Added album catalog