このJoseph Andrews: Guideについて
This Guide app works both online and offline, and contains 33 basic topics about one of the famous novels of Henry Fielding, Joseph Andrews.
The guide is designed both for college and university English literature students. Both can fetch basic knowledge about the novel using this app.
This is a complete book because it is almost 300+ pages if we convert the guide into pages. It means that you can rely, for your exams, only on this guide; and you do not need any other notes or guidance to understand this play.
Topics included are:
1. Introduction
2. Cultural Context
3. Immediate Literary Context
4. Henry Fielding Life & Works
5. Henry Fielding Timeline
6. Plot Analysis
7. Joseph Andrews 3 Act Plot Analysis
8. Characters List
9. Characters Description
10. Characters Analysis
11. Summary
12. Summary & Analysis from Start to Chapter 12 of Book 1
13. Summary & Analysis from Chapter 13 of Book 1 to Chapter 3 of Book 2
14. Summary & Analysis from Chapter 4 to Chapter 13 of Book 2
15. Summary & Analysis from Chapter 14 of Book 2 to Chapter 10 of Book 3
16. Summary & Analysis from Chapter 11 of Book 3 to the End of the Novel
17. Themes
18. Symbolism, Imagery and Allegory in Joseph Andrews
19. Vocabulary Used
20. Suggested Further Readings
21. Suggested Exam Questions
22. Picaresque Novel & Its Characteristics
23. Joseph Andrews: The Comedic Epic
24. Joseph Andrews: Genre
25. Satire Influence in Joseph Andrews
26. Rationalism Versus Passion: Determining the Full Cycle of a Developed Character in Joseph Andrews
27. Narrator
28. Critical Analysis
29. Setting
30. Tone
31. Epic Influence in Joseph Andrews
32. Writing Style in Joseph Andrews
33. Joseph Andrews' (1742) Introduction related of other Literary Works
The app is very simple and straight-forward. Only you need to study this guide.
Features of app:
- Share the topics with your friends via whatsapp, facebook, etc.
- You can easily find each topic.
- Complete info about the novel.
- Easy to navigate, with big text, and highlighted headings.
- The blue theme makes the app more comfortable to study.
I welcome your feedback and reviews because everyone needs suggestions to improve.
最新バージョン 1.5 の更新情報
Errors Fixed,
More Topics Added.