このJourney Copenhagenについて
It's three months into the future.
The police in Denmark has been authorized to confiscate valuables and you need to make it out of Denmark.
Unfortunately ID checks have been introduced by the Swedish government on trains and boats.
To make matters worse your passport and phone got stolen on the train coming in to Copenhagen and this means that you will be turned away if you try to seek asylum in Sweden when crossing the bridge by train!’.
Will you manage?
Journey: Copenhagen is a mini game in a series of games on migration from MigrantJourneys.
To show the lottery of birth, Migrant Journeys uses film and games to make audiences, web users and players understand how and why people are making these dangerous journeys. The principal goal of the project is to create an understanding and empathy for these new migrants.
We are pursuing this project since we strongly believe in the importance to promote a diverse society where every new migrant is seen as an asset to society.
最新バージョン 1.7 の更新情報
Will you now manage the last part of your journey to enter Sweden to seek asylum?