This Application is free-softwear under GNU LGPL 3.0 license.
Git repo : https://github.com/choiman1559/KalimbaCrypto
String encryption tool using RSA, AES, and OAuth that can be released and decrypted by unspecified people
This software is designed to prevent unauthorized hackers from attacking man-in-the-middle through OAuth authentication while allowing a large number of non-specific people to freely decrypt/encrypt data without password.
This software basically refers to the method of PGP, but the difference between this software and PGP is that anyone can freely decrypt data in this software.
So why do you need this software?
We were active in an online community, and every time we shared useful information among users of the online community in which we were active, unsolicited visitors always came to us and stole our information.
So, we've been thinking of an easier way than PGP, which requires passing the public and private keys separately, and stronger than Base64, and this software is the answer to those concerns.