このKanzul Imaan Al-Quraan Hindi English Bengali Urduについて
ヒンディー語、英語、ウルドゥー語、ベンガル語&アラビア語翻訳のAl-Quraan(Kanzul Imaan)
Regular Appz Presents, Kanzul Imaan for Android:
Kanzul Imaan is the famous urdu translation of the Holy Qur'an by the Reviver of the 14th Islamic Century, Sayyidi Imam Ahmed Rida Khan - also known as "Ala Hazrat".
कन्ज़ुल इमान 14 वीं इस्लामी शताब्दी के महान, सय्यिदी इमाम अहमद रजा खान - जिन्हे "अला हजरत" भी कहा जाता है, द्वारा पवित्र कुरान का प्रसिद्ध उर्दू अनुवाद है।
কানজুল ইমান পবিত্র কোরআনের বিখ্যাত উর্দু অনুবাদ, 14 তম ইসলামিক শনিের মহান, সহানুভূতিশীল ইমাম আহমদ রাজা খানের - "আলা হযরত" নামেও পরিচিত।
کنزول عثمان 14th اسلامی شانی کے عظیم، ہمدردی امام احمد رضا خان کی طرف سے بھی "الا حیات" کہا جاتا ہے کی طرف سے قرآن کریم کے اردو ترجمہ.
The translation is renowned for it's accuracy and for upholding the status of Allah and His Beloved Messenger (peace and salutations be upon Him).
There are many translations of Quran shareef available in market, but all are not true translation, presence of mistake in those book,which is dangerous for IMAN. The Kanzul iman,written by mojaddide azam Alahazrat رحمت الله علیه is the best and appropiate translation of Quran majeed. No doubt it's security of Your faith(Iman).
About Application:
1. 114 Suras along with Arabic Ayat text, translation, explanetion.
2. 30 Paras along with Arabic Ayat text, translation, explanetion.
3. Can change text size.
4. Can change text color.
5. Night mode available.
6. Available translation in Bengali, Hindi, English, Arabic and Urdu Languages.
7. Can read Offline.