このKashful Mahjoob In Urduについて
Kashful Mahjoob In Urdu
The book is one of the earliest scripts about Tasawwuf. The author, Sayyad Ali ibn Uthman Hajveri, commonly known as “Data Ganj Bakhsh” in South Asia, was one of the greatest Sufi sheikhs of Indian subcontinent. He was born in Ghazna (present day Afghanistan) and migrated to Lahore (Pakistan) by the order of his sheikh.
This book is the most famous work of the author, and is considered one of the classical books on Sufism, read by many as a text book of the ancient Sufism. It describes and discusses Sufi methods and doctrines of the past. Short biographies of famous Sahaba, Ahl-e-Bayt, Tabaeen and other sufi sheikhs cover most part of the book. These biographies describe the Sufic attributes of their lives, and shows how the Sufism evolved through the first centuries.
کشف المحجوب (اردو ترجمہ) از حضرت سید علی بن عثمان ہجویری لاہوری المعروف داتا گنج بخش قدس اللہ سرہ مترجم علامہ فضل الدین گوہر