このKids Learn ABC flash card J-Rについて
第二の英語フラッシュカード簡単な言葉は、あなたの子供は、ABCを学ぶことができます。 (J-R)
The flashcard English ABC Simple Words for Kids 2nd series. (J to R)
(Learn ABC C for Circus) Additional 32 English words in this version.
You can download the full version, here:
The best interactive learning app in 2012. C for Circus now launch in Google play Store , you can download it at limited special offer. Learn ABC in a fun way.
C for Circus is an easy to use app that help kids learn common spellings in a interactive way.
Kid will be playing this app within the Circus. The happiest circus create a best environment for your kid to learn simple word from 3 to 4 alphabet word.
The kids see a picture and find the the right alphabet to drag it in correct sequence. If you success in challenge you can acculmulate the score. Check out your score inside the Cup Cake Trophy Score Broad. See how many CupCake you got and share it in our "Friends Coner" via Email, Ecard, Facebook and Text message(iphone only).
Inside the CupCake Score broad you will find a which word already learned and which is your next challenge
Over 32 words inside the Circus. All of them from 3 alphabet to 4 alphabet word let you to play with. This is easy start for your kids. Kids get early exposure to, easy spellings like car, dog, cat to tough ones.
32 Simple English Words jam,kite,king,kiwi,lily,lamp,lamb,lion,lips,leaf,lock,moon,moth,maze,nine,nose,newt,nest,one,oven,oval,pail,pan,pig,pen,quiz,ring,rain,rake,rice,rope,rose