このKidsPlay Poems Videos for Kidsについて
KidsPlay LiteはYouTubeのを経由して一箇所に面白いビデオの多くを提示
Kids Channel: KidsPlay Lite presents a lot of interesting video in one place via Youtube.
Lite version is with Ads (banners)
What's New
Since Youtube is block in Pakistan, therefore I have added the new video source via VOD4YOU.net.
Now you can play video even if you don't have youtube.
New: 3 hours content cache feature is added for better performance. As well as you mobile data usage will be reduce by this feature.
Clear Cache: if any time you feel, content is not loaded; you can click "Reload Or Clear Cache" button in option menu. That will clear the cache and reload the data from server.
Content for kids:
1. English Nursery Rhymes
2. Urdu Nursery Rhymes
3. ABC for Kids
4. 123 for Kids
5. Songs for Kids
6. Danish Poems for Kids
Content rights reserved to the owners at Youtube.
- This app is using YouTube video player for better performance and Kids Channel Pro requires, that device should already have youttube free app installed.