このkingN64 Games (N64 Emulator)について
KingN64, Android Edition is a N64 emulator for Android. It is at present in Beta testing, which means it is a work in advancement.
This application is authorized by the GNU GPL v3, and the full source code is accessible through the open GIT archive
* Support N64 game file (.n64, .z64, .v64, .zip, .7zip).
* Support android 5.0+ (suitable for android 9.0+).
* Auto save, Save state and load state.
* Auto Screen orientation: Settings - Display - Screen orientation - Auto.
* All Controls: Analog & Dpad & L+R+Z Button (Profiles - Select Profiles - Touchscreen profile - Everything: All Controls)
* Resize Control Buttons: Settings - Touchscreen - Button scale.
* Edit Control Buttons: Profiles - Touchscreen - Copy - Rename - Edit.
- For unplayable ROMs, try unzipping the ROM first or trying a different version of the ROM.
- For touchscreen control issues, try changing the button scale.
How to play:
* A N64 game file (ROM file) is necessary to play a game.
* Copy your own N64 game files to SD card or Internal Memory. (e.g. /sdcard/N64/)
* Please refresh games again after copy new N64 game files.
* You will also find guide inside the app show you how to run your own roms int the emulator (with images)
LEGAL: This product is not affiliated with or endorsed by Nintendo in any way.