このKolkata Taxiについて
Calculate and predict taxi fare in Kolkata.
Calculate new fare while traveling in Kolkata yellow taxi. Rates are updated as on 1st November, 2012. Also, you can refer to the fare chart of yellow taxi.
You can predict fare for any location in kolkata. This feature is in testing phase. You need an active 2g/3g/wifi connection for fare prediction.
If you any issue comes, please provide feedback to us.
最新バージョン の更新情報
Last updated on 2015-08-10
Rates updated as on 1st November, 2012
New feature:
Predict fare for two locations in kolkata.
Issues resolved:
Crash issue for fare chart in low end device.
Apk size has been reduced.
Kolkata Taxi APK 情報
APKPure で安全で高速な APK のダウンロード
APKPure は署名検証を使用して、ウイルスフリーの Kolkata Taxi APK ダウンロードを保証します。
Kolkata Taxiの旧バージョン
Kolkata Taxi
491.9 KB2015年08月10日