このLean Six Sigma Tool Finderについて
The Lean Six Sigma Tool Finder is a FREE, simple to use app that helps you to find the right Lean Six Sigma tool for your situation.
The app contains four key sections:
1) DMAIC Routemap - a summary of each DMAIC step with relevant tools.
2) Tools A-Z - short descriptions of over 100 Lean Six Sigma tools.
3) Terms and Acronyms - explaining over 100 Lean Six Sigma terms
4) Useful Shortcuts - three detailed routemaps for Hypothesis Testing, Statistical Process Control and Graphical Tools.
The app is designed to accompany the best selling 'Lean Six Sigma and Minitab' pocket guide, but is a stand alone product that will help all improvement practitioners.
For support or feedback, email: support@opexresources.com