このLearning Arduinoについて
The Learning Arduino Application allows you to know the fundamentals in programming micro controllers based on the successful Arduino systems.
The Learning Arduino application addresses the following topics:
Programming Arduino / Programación de Arduino:
("Variables"); ("Datatypes");
("Flow Control");
("Digital I/O");
("Analog I/O");
("Time and Math");
("Digital Output");
("Digital Input");
("High Current Output");
("PWM Output");
("Potentiometer Input");
("Variable Resistor Input");
("Servo Output");
Working With Arduino – Trabajando Con El Sistema Arduino:
("Getting Started");
("Exploring The Arduino Board and Idle ");
("Firth Steps");
("Building Steps");
("Working With Functions");
("Numbers, Variable and Arithmetic");
("Liquid Crystal Display");
("Expanding Your Arduino");
("Numeric Key Pads");
("Accepting User Input With Touch Screen");
("Meet The Arduino Family");
("Motor and Movement");
("Using GPS With Your Arduino");
("Wireless Data");
("Infrared Remote Control");
("Reading RFID Tags");
("Data Bases");
("Real Time Clocks");
("The Internet");
("Cellular Communications").
Projects With Arduino / Proyectos Con Arduino:
("Getting Started");
("Making Light Pattern");
("Making Digital Thermometer");
("Graphics (Pictures) on Our LCD");
("Sensor Grade");
("Making a Rubber Band Gun");
("Make Your own Project");
("Arduino Reference");