このLegendary Sudokuについて
Legendary Sudoku is a logical puzzle game where you must fill digits 1 to 9 in every row, column and 3x3 subgrid.
There are 9 rows, 9 columns and 9 subgrids, so 81 cells in total.
Each puzzle only has one unique solution.
None of the puzzles are presets so you never need to repeat the same old puzzle level allowing you to get a fresh, unlimited set of challenges each time!
10 original, unique difficulty settings are featured (each with less and less clue squares filled in):
Child's Play
Cake Walk
Too Easy
Not Bad
All Sudokus are randomly generated once you select a difficulty so the puzzles in the last 3 difficulty settings may take a minute to load, please be patient (the screen may go black for a short time while the most legendary puzzles are being generated for you in the background!).
There is no math involved. You solve the puzzle with logic and reasoning.
In order to solve the levels in higher difficulty settings you must have mastered the most advanced techniques such as Nishio, Death Blossom, SwordFish, Naked Pairs and Forcing Chains.
To enter values in a cell, simply tap the cell (it will go yellow) then tap 1-9 or Clear from the number pad below the 9x9 grid. If you enter a value and then want to change it you will have to click the cell again before selecting from the number pad.