Her lips, especially on women, are the most visible part of the face makeup part, the most noticeable, and the most attention-grabbing.
Color matching lips, beautiful, and not excessive will further enhance the beauty of your face. Surely you want to look more beautiful, sweet, and interesting.
Shown beautiful from all sides it is necessary, especially for a career woman.
The appearance of the tip of the head to the tip of the foot should be perfect.
Including if you have to meet someone face to face, because all the corners of the face will be in the spotlight, including the lips.
If the appearance of our lips look pale, do not underestimate it because it can be sure the scene will not feel good and will interfere with the speaker.
Therefore we as women should know how to use lipstick (lipstick) is good and true.
A solution to make lips look more beautiful to look at:
It is advisable to choose a lip color that is not easy to make the lips damaged or cracked.
We sprinkle the lips with powder. Benefits to provide a strong lip color, which is not easy to fade.
Apply anti-UV lipstick (ultraviolet), so that the lips do not quickly blackened.
Draw the edge of the lips with a lip pencil.
Lip pencil color adjusts to the color of lipstick to be used, eg a pink lip pencil (pink).
Apply pink lipstick lipstick to the entire lips.
If you want to appear more refreshed, give the last spread on the lips that spread by wearing lip gloss.
Lipgloss color match with lipstick color.