このLMS Studentsについて
MyWebAdmin.In LMS Students and Parents Login Panel.
View your information, attendance, results, performance, videos, read notes, discuss with your batch mates etc.
MyWebAdmin.In brings to you learning management system for schools, colleges and any educational institute. It helps you manage your institute in a very sophisticated and planned way. It contains several modules viz. faculty management, time table management, fees management, attendance management, online tests, questions database etc.
It is 100% customizable according to your requirements, hence you may design your learning / administration system as per your requirements even though it uses cloud system (SaaS). The content management system is designed to be configurable with coolest templates. You may also change the template you like, because we commit 100% customizability. All the reports are PDF downloadable and some viz. students lists, fees are downloadable in excelsheet. It provides student's and parent's account where students and parents can track fees, attendance, performance.
MyWebAdmin.In introduces batch discussion forum where students can discuss there issues and share files online in a group chat with teachers.