このLogo Quiz 2: Logo gameについて
あなたはどのように多くのロゴを推測することができますか? 2000以上のブランドとロゴクイズ!
Discover awesome, addictive, newest version of logo quiz, guessing game from Codecat! Join over thousands of other players!
Logo Quiz 2 is a trivia game where you can find how much do you know about brands and companies all over the world. Simple and easy to play, this logo game is a must have for you!
Who is this game for?
- Are you waiting for something? Logo Quiz 2 is a great game for passing time.
- Do you like cats? Logo Quiz 2 developed by Codecat -yes we love cats!- and you will have a cat accompany you during the play.
- Shopaholic. Do you like shopping? Prove your knowledge of brands!
- Smart people. This game is only for smart people, if you think you are smart.. play now.
How to play?
- It's easy, you will understand in no time.
Any logos shown or represented in this game are copyright and/or trademark of those respective companies. The use of low resolution images in this trivia app for use of identification in an informational context qualify as fair use under copyright law.