このLove Name Live Wallpaperについて
****** Love Name Live Wallpaper *********
-> This is a live wallpaper which allow you to make live Wallpaper with Love name on screen.
-> Or the love name on screen.
-> Or print both your name and love name i.e special person name
-> It also allow you to add emotions. like love you miss you.
-> you can also change the background color of the wallpaper.
-> you can also change the font of the special name you want to show.
->you can impress your girl friend :)
-> you can play it for mother and father .. like mother love you, Father name love you.
-> you can use to display special names with style.
-> it can also work as reminder live wallpaper.
NOTE : add's are integrated to provide you free apps.
and also if you want to add more background colors or more fonts so let me know, i will include all those in the next update thanks.