このLucky Number Generatorについて
Lucky Number Generator using Physics Engine
v1.0 released on 15 Oct 2011/Sun
* Getting truly random number in gameplay (better than pseudo-random generation), just drag the balls...
* Simple and intuitive game controls
* Fun to use, also allows you to cheat (your magic touch may change the result) by moving balls around but not as easy as you think!
* Mesmerizing to watch the balls glide and collide
* Use it to find out your lucky number for any occasion (lotto, etc)
* Lucky ball to slide and move things around
* Selector ball:
+ Fades in and out
+ Selects/deselects balls when fully visible
+ 8th ball will be your selected number
* Great animation
* Auto rotation enabled
* Tested on phones and tablets, (not tested on 10.1 tablets)
* Our own physics engine with collision detection
* Free with self-ad support (our ads)
* Can be saved to SD card
* Double tap to stop/resume the animation
We hope you will like our app as much as we did.
As always, thanks so much! Please don't forget to write a review and rate the app, it always helps and motivates us. Also please write to us for your requests and questions at [email protected]
Have a wonderful day...
PS: We also provide many free apps for different occasions. Don't forget to check out our apps and games for many platforms. Please visit us on the web at http://simplyusefulapps.com