このLudo Board Multi playerについて
Ludo Board Multi player is a strategy board game for two to four players, in which the players race their four tokens from start to finish according to the rolls of a single die. Like other cross and circle games, Ludo is derived from the Indian game Pachisi, but simpler. The game and its variations are popular in many countries and under various names.
How to play Ludo Board :
Each player gets to choose tokens of one of the four colors (green, yellow, red or blue). These tokens must make a full turn of the board and then make it to the finish line. The player who gets all four tokens to the finish line first is the winner.
However, each move can only be made based on the number decided by casting a six-sided dice, and each token can only move out of their home by casting a number six on the dice. Additionally, the competition factor of the games is upped by the fact that while moving if another player’s token lands on the same square as your token, then your token will automatically be sent back home and you’ll need to roll a six again.
Ludo Board is board game played between friends, family & kids.