このLudo Dice Roller Board Game App Online Freeについて
Ludo Dice Roller Board Game App Online Free
How to play
Each player has four figures which are actually marked in the player's color. At the beginning the of the game the figures are in the house. To leave the house the player must roll a six on a six-sided die.
Once a figure has left the house, the figure can be actually moved based on the result of a die role. To prevent your opponents from winning, their figures must be sent back to the house. This happens if a player moves his figure to a field with a figure. Each player has four goal fields. The first player actually has reaches the goal with all his figures wins.
Game Modes
Ludo has two game modes:
4 Players
6 Players
For player the following settings can be made:
Player color
Player name
Player type (computer or person)
Furthermore the application offers a statistic to see how often each of player has rolled a specific dice number. In addition there is a feature that allows possibility to play with own dice and own rules.