このMarathi video status | video statusについて
This Marathi video status for whats app is an app to share emotional videos to save as status
Now a days people are very smart and whats app made it very easy by giving many facilities in whats app. video status is one of them. using video status we can express us without saying a single word.
this Marathi video status app gives you nice video statuses for download. you can download videos from it.
key features::
1. Small size - this app is very small in size
2. Developed with standard SDK
3. frequently new videos will be added
4. Attractive UI
5. We are going to add new Hindi status,
English status, Gujarati status, Telugu status, Kannada status, Bhojpuri status, Marathi status, Tamil status, Video status in coming days..
Valentine day videos
Valentine day videos
Note- this app is not related with any official whats app product.