このMarina Books - Online Books Shopping Appについて
No.1のオンラインブックショッピングのApp - マリーナブックス
In short, MarinaBooks.com is a website for Tamil Books! We also have a small shop in Chennai for Tamil books by name Marina Puthaga Nilayam. We have the largest database of Tamil books (i.e. over 50,000 books) and we are adding details of more books everyday.
We request you to provide your catalog of books in electronic form (soft copy) with highest quality book cover images so we can gladly add them. Also, Please send us your new book details as and when they are released and list of popular books. Please feel free to inform the authors of the books about our new effort so they can reach us and provide more details.
Also, here are the YouTube videos we created recently:
Books Of Vikatan Publications
Books Of Manimegalai Publications
Books Of Sandhya Publications
Books Of Narmadha Publications
Books Of Natrinai Publications
We are working on more videos.
Our prime interest is to serve the Tamil community with wealth of details and encourage people to speak/learn/read in Tamil.
We request you to invite your friends and family to visit our website!
Thank you for your support.