このMilwaukee County EMSについて
緊急事態管理のミルウォーキー郡庁 - ケアのEMS規格
Milwaukee County Office of Emergency Management (OEM)-EMS division (MCEMS) Standards of Care application is a free app designed to allow easy and searchable access to the protocols and practical skills guiding medical care provided within MCEMS systems. The Standards of Care manual; is broken down into the following sections; Universal Care/Operations, Cardiovascular, General Medicine, GI-GU-GYN, Pediatric Specific, Respiratory/Airway, Research, Resuscitation, Special Operations/ TEMS, Toxins/Environmental, Trauma and Practical Skills. The Standards of Care manual contents were reviewed and approved by the OEM Medical Director and will be reviewed at least annually. Updates to the Standards of Care manual will also be updated on the app accordingly.
Disclaimer: The protocols and practical skills within the Standards of Care manual are designed for EMS providers within the MCEMS system, and should not be used for any medical guidance or patient care outside of Milwaukee County nor by any providers other than those within the MCEMS system. The protocols and practical skills within app are not meant to be medical or legal advice.