このMobile Anti Theftについて
Mobile Anti Theft is a powerful application which helps to track your lost android phone easily. When phone get stolen/lost and SIM card is changed, app sends current location of the phone with mobile number which is used by the thief through SMS to the alternative mobile number provided. We also have an option to capture thief current real time location and you can see the location of your phone on google map. You can also see the current location with address.
You can test this app by simple steps:
1. Switch off your mobile
2. Replace current SIM with another SIM (Insert new SIM in your mobile)
3. Switch on the Mobile,
4. You Will get SMS in your alternate mobile, which you have registered. SIM Number and Current Location.
★ Find lost mobile
★ Set up a SIM-card-change notification to another phone.
★ Real time Tracking of Mobile on Google Map
★ Continuous Location update of Mobile Phone Through SMS.
★ Your current location with address on Map.
★ Location update on specific time interval.
★ Whenever SIM changed u will get alert SMS on your alternate mobile number.