このMushroom identifier App by Photo, Camera 2021について
Are you looking for a professional Mushroom identification app?
With the identification of Mushrooms, every Mushroom can be identified as a scientist. To take a picture of Mushroom using Mushroom identification and it wants to use the machine learning to teach you the botany of Mushroom species and types. We only receive answers from reliable professionals to train our machine learning algorithm to deliver the best results, a futuristic toadstool identification app.
Mushroom identification make up the great knowledge of botany of the earth. There are several million Mushroom species. The members of each Mushroom come from a common ancestor, have similar structural features, and have certain botanical characteristics.
All Mushroom types are not the same number of species; Some types have only a few hundred species, others more than 100,000. The range of structural and environmental characteristics tends to be different among the higher-ranking species.
Mushroom identifier give Predictions on the botany, behavior of Mushroom can be made as soon as you know your type. But how do you know which types Mushroom belongs to? Mushrooms can be identified in several ways. Comparing a specimen to images of Mushrooms is one possibility. Using a printed key is another way. This Lucid-based key combines the benefits of these methods and adds a new dimension of simplicity and performance to the identification process.
Mushroom identifier app by photo camera 2020 Features:
- Instantly identify Mushrooms with Mushroom identifier, distinguish Edible, Inedible, poisonous mushrooms and many other Mushrooms in the photo or camera.
- High-quality database maintained by scientists and employees around the world.
- Investigation of fungi Mushrooms and toxic mushrooms.
- Identify anywhere, anytime using Mushroom identifier.
- Daily book of Mushrooms 🍄 identified in Mushroom identifier.
Some Mushrooms list :
agaricus arvensis
agaricus augustus
agaricus sylvaticus
agaricus xanthodermus
agrocybe praecox
albatrellus ovinus
amanita virosa
armillaria mellea
armillaria ostoyae
auriscalpium vulgare
boletinus cavipes
boletus appendiculatus
boletus luridus
boletus pinophilus
boletus pulverulentus
boletus radicans
boletus regius
boletus satanas
calocera viscosa
calocybeg ambosa
choiromyces venosus
chroogomphus rutilus
clitocybe flaccida
clitocybe nebularis
clitocybe odora
clitocybe phyllophila
clitopilus prunulus
collybia asema
collybia dryophila
cortinarius armillatus
cortinarius orellanus
cortinarius traganus
cortinarius trivialis
cortinarius violaceus
craterellus cornucopioides
daedalea quercina
discina ancilis
elaphomyces granulatus
entoloma clypeatum
entoloma eulividum
fistulina hepatica
flammulina velutipes
fomes fomentarius
galerina marginata
ganodermal ipsiense
ganodermal ucidum
geastrum rufescens
gomphidius glutinosus
gyromitra esculenta
gyromitra gigas
gyroporus castaneus
helvella crispa
hericium clathroides
hirneola auricula
hydnum repandum
hypholoma capnoides
hypholoma fasciculare
hypholoma lateritium
inocybe erubescens
inocybe geophylla
inocybe rimosa
kuehneromyces mutabilis
laccaria amethystea
laccaria laccata
lactarius deliciosus
lactarius deterrimus
lactarius quietus
lactarius rufus
leucoagaricus leucothites
leucopaxillus giganteus
lycoperdon perlatum
lyophyllum connatum
lyophyllum decastes
megacollybia platyphylla
meripilus giganteus
morchella semilibera
mycena epipterygia
mycena galericulata
mycena pura
pezziza badia
phaeolus schweinitzii
phallus impudicus
phellinus igniarius
russula nigricans
russula ochroleuca
russula olivacea
russula paludosa
russula puellaris
verpa conica
volvariella speciosa
xerocomus badius
xerocomus chrysenteron
xerocomus pruinatus
xerocomus subtomentosus
xeromphalina campanella
Download "Mushroom Identifier Photo Camera 2020 " and give us feedback.
Don’t Rely completely on this app, it is your responsibility to completely Identify a mushrooms by any mean before eating. Thanks!