このMy Pocket Cellarについて
You like wine? Or maybe beer, rum, whisky or any aperitif or liqueur ?
You have some bottles but you forget what you have, where they are and you never know what to drink, when and with whom ?
You simply want to have an overview of your bottles of wine, aperitif, armagnac, cognac, vodka, or an overview of your wine cellars ?
Then please take a look at this new wine cellar manager !
Create your wine bottles, or whisky, rum, even beer, cider or fruit juice.
Define visually the arrangement of your cellars.
Place your bottles into those cellars.
Visualize easily the bottles in your cellars.
Highlight identical bottles in a cellar to find them all easily.
Enjoy a suggestion module to easily find what bottle to drink according to your mood and criteria !
Back-up and restore all your bottles and cellars so that you won't lose all your work with a phone change for example.
And if you have some remarks or suggestions for new features, feel free to contact me directly from inside the app :)