MyBazar – World's Local Bazar
このMyBazar – World's Local Bazarについて
MyBazar - 販売し、あなたの携帯から購入!
MyBazar is a social selling marketplace for small businesses. This free and secure app is nothing more than your actual store transferred into digital space – guarantee, payment and delivery included!
• No subscription fees, no hidden costs, no investments in expensive equipment.
• Pricing, marketing, selling and delivering are entirely under your control.
• Now you can get nationwide visibility with zero marketing cost.
• Know your customers and engage them directly to keep your personal touch.
• MyBazar is intuitive and simple, available everywhere!
• Follow the trends and your favorite merchants without missing any bargains.
• MyBazar is just like shopping in a bazar, use chat to negotiate the price.
• Discover merchants, products, tags, and categories you never knew existed.
• Make new friends, share your comments and let your opinion matter.
• MyBazar helps you to get the best value at any place and at any time!
We look forward to hearing from you!
Marketing website:
Help Center:
Follow us elsewhere:
Instagram: @mybazarapp
Twitter: @mybazarapp
最新バージョン 3.2.7 の更新情報
Reduced app size by 30% with Android app bundle!
MyBazar – World's Local Bazar APK 情報
MyBazar – World's Local Bazarの旧バージョン
MyBazar – World's Local Bazar 3.2.7
MyBazar – World's Local Bazar 3.2.6
MyBazar – World's Local Bazar 3.2.0
MyBazar – World's Local Bazar 3.1.0
Android で XAPK/APK ファイルをワンクリックでインストール!