このNew COC Town Hall 7 Baseについて
Protection of the Town Hall is critical for achieving players' objectives.
The Town Hall is equivalent to the Builder Hall in the Builder Base.
Placement of the Town Hall outside a farming base serves no purpose, other than to rapidly drop trophies. Players should aim to protect their Town Hall at all costs, as it contains a 20% of all 3 different resources.
If players are designing their War Bases, they should aim to protect their Town Hall at all costs. If an attacker is unable to destroy the Town Hall, they will get a maximum of one star.
- War Base Map for Town Hall 7
- Trophy Base Map for TownHall 7
- Hybrid Base Map for town hall 7
- Farming Base Map for town hall 7
Features :
# Strong War base layout
# Defensive Trophy base layout
# Strong Hybrid bases layout
# Can zoom in / out each layout
# Easy to use.
# Unique User Interface
From this app, you can make your town hall 7 more strong.
This concept is, however, thrown away when you are trying to design an anti-3 star base, in which the Town Hall is considered just to be a high hitpoint building and is used to protect key structures to prevent the attacker from claiming a third star (hence the name). At higher Town Hall levels (especially Town Hall 7) players can, instead of protecting their Town Hall at all costs, use their Town Halls as a high hitpoint damage sponge - similar to Storages - as part of a strategy to prevent 3-star attacks from Dragons and other high level armies, at the cost of making 2-star attacks much easier.
Town Halls have the highest hit points of any relative level building, with the exception of Walls, which means they take a long time to destroy. Placing your Town Hall within the range of your most powerful defenses can give it the most shots to destroy attackers.
It is suggested that you upgrade everything you possibly can (e.g. Troops, Buildings, etc.) before upgrading the Town Hall to the next level. Prematurely upgrading (rushing) your Town Hall is extremely risky, and it will take a long time to upgrade your buildings/troops to match your Town Hall's level. Raiding with low-level troops will also become increasingly difficult.