Maintenance update!
お使いのデバイスとの互換性の問題やバグにより、NFC ReTag の最新バージョンに問題がある場合、アプリ開発者が問題を修正する前に、古いバージョンをダウンロードすることが実用的な解決策となる場合があります。APKPure は、さまざまなデバイスや Android システムと互換性のある NFC ReTag のすべての古いバージョンを提供します。Android 用の NFC ReTag の以前のバージョンをダウンロードしてください。APKPure からのすべてのダウンロードはウイルスフリーであり、必要なアプリのバージョン履歴を迅速かつ安全に取得する方法を提供します。
Maintenance update!
2.24.x Maintenance update!
NFC ReTag is a NFC automation app first released 2012. Since 2012 Android did a lot to improve security. That´s good for the Ecosystem but also blocks a lot of features available in the early Android days. NFC ReTag does not try to hack around Android restrictions and is on an AS-IS basis. If an activity works -> good! If an activity does not work-> new Android restriction! -> Check app permissions!
Changelog: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1477138
2.23.x Security Update!
* Android 9.0 Pie compatibility and fixes
* New logo
Update 2.18.x
* New workaround for the Location (GPS) activity ... Yes it´s back, was blocked by Android since Marshmallow ;-)
* Minor tweaks and fixes
Update 2.17.x
* First Android 7.+ Nougat adaptations
* Bugfixes
Update 2.16 (2.16.x = fixes)
* New Reboot activity
* First Android 6.0 adaptations
* Tweaks and bug fixes
Changelog: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1477138
Update 2.21.x
* Android 9.0 Pie compatibility and fixes
* New logo
Update 2.18.x
* New workaround for the Location (GPS) activity ... Yes it´s back, was blocked by Android since Marshmallow ;-)
* Minor tweaks and fixes
Update 2.17.x
* First Android 7.+ Nougat adaptations
* Bugfixes
Update 2.16 (2.16.x = fixes)
* New Reboot activity
* First Android 6.0 adaptations
* Tweaks and bug fixes
Changelog: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1477138
Update 2.21.x
* Android 9.0 Pie compatibility and fixes
* New logo
Update 2.18.x
* New workaround for the Location (GPS) activity ... Yes it´s back, was blocked by Android since Marshmallow ;-)
* Minor tweaks and fixes
Update 2.17.x
* First Android 7.+ Nougat adaptations
* Bugfixes
Update 2.16 (2.16.x = fixes)
* New Reboot activity
* First Android 6.0 adaptations
* Tweaks and bug fixes
Changelog: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1477138
Update 2.21.x
* Android 9.0 Pie compatibility and fixes
* New logo
Update 2.18.x
* New workaround for the Location (GPS) activity ... Yes it´s back, was blocked by Android since Marshmallow ;-)
* Minor tweaks and fixes
Update 2.17.x
* First Android 7.+ Nougat adaptations
* Bugfixes
Update 2.16 (2.16.x = fixes)
* New Reboot activity
* First Android 6.0 adaptations
* Tweaks and bug fixes
Changelog: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1477138
Update 2.21.x
* Android 9.0 Pie compatibility and fixes
* New logo
Update 2.18.x
* New workaround for the Location (GPS) activity ... Yes it´s back, was blocked by Android since Marshmallow ;-)
* Minor tweaks and fixes
Update 2.17.x
* First Android 7.+ Nougat adaptations
* Bugfixes
Update 2.16 (2.16.x = fixes)
* New Reboot activity
* First Android 6.0 adaptations
* Tweaks and bug fixes
Changelog: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1477138
Update 2.18 (2.18.x = fixes)
* New workaround for the Location (GPS) activity ... Yes it´s back, was blocked by Android since Marshmallow ;-)
* Minor tweaks and fixes
Update 2.17 (2.17.x =fixes)
* First Android 7.+ Nougat adaptations
* Bugfixes
Update 2.16 (2.16.x = fixes)
* New Reboot activity
* First Android 6.0 adaptations
* Tweaks and bug fixes
Changelog: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1477138
Update 2.17 (2.17.x =fixes)
* First Android 7.+ Nougat adaptations
* Bugfixes
Update 2.16 (2.16.x = fixes)
* New Reboot activity
* First Android 6.0 adaptations
* Tweaks and bug fixes
Update 2.12 (2.12.x = fixes)
* Mobile Data toggle for Android 5.x Lollipop
* New Boot trigger
* Compatibility setting for non-standard TTS engines
* First Android L adaptations
* Tweaks and bug fixes
Changelog: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1477138
Update 2.17 (2.17.x =fixes)
* First Android 7.0 Nougat adaptations
* Bugfixes
Update 2.16 (2.16.x = fixes)
* New Reboot activity
* First Android 6.0 adaptations
* Tweaks and bug fixes
Update 2.12 (2.12.x = fixes)
* Mobile Data toggle for Android 5.x Lollipop
* New Boot trigger
* Compatibility setting for non-standard TTS engines
* First Android L adaptations
* Tweaks and bug fixes
Changelog: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1477138
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