このNim Tournamentについて
Nim is a simple mathematical game of strategy. Two players take turns removing objects from distinct heaps or rows. In our game Nim Toornament we have a board with four rows containing seven, five, three and one field. At start of the game fields are occupied with 16 tokens. On each turn, a player must remove at least one token, and may remove any number of tokens provided they all come from the same row. The player who takes last token loses the game.
In theory the player who starts the game first will lose if his opponent play according to winning strategy. This is why in our game we have three levels. If you choose Practice mode you can choose level that match your skills.
At first level computer play randomly, at second level computer make a mistake from time to time. On the third level computer plays perfect game. If you choose Tournament mode, computer will use different levels for games and you can record your score at the end.