This App is your fitness companion that helps you - live a healthy, active, energy filled life.
We free you up from all the clutter surrounding your fitness and wellness. App encourages you to focus on your activity so you reach your goals, while we focus on providing you all the information, data, tips, progress and encouragement necessary to get to where you want with your fitness. App lets you set your own fitness and wellness goals or with the help of a fitness trainer, helps you monitor the progress on regular basis, alerts you if you are falling behind or encourages you to catch up to it. App also helps you nurture healthy eating habits, hydration, sleeping patterns - so your overall wellness is in the right and center of everything the App does. We are confident that once you start using the App you will start noticing the difference in your energy levels, overall health in a matter of few weeks.
- Daily activity tracking (Goals vs Actual)
- Calories burned
- Steps / Distance
- Calories consumed
- Hydration
Activity Tracking
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly
Healthy Lifestyle (Eat and Drink healthy)
- Food (breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner)
- Water / Hydration (qty, interval)
- Weight
- Events (View fitness events happening around you, or create your own)
- Activity (Create fitness activities for yourself or your circle of friends)
Routines (Create fitness routines you can do at the Gym
Many more features, enjoy them, we wish you a very happy and healthy living.
- Numa Team