このParis ci la Sortie - Freeについて
Paris ci la sortie du Métro the only app to save time in the Parisian MetroRATP
Paris ci la Sortie du Métro FREE is the only app which helps you to save time in Parisian subway, to avoid long walk on the platforms and plan wisely your trip.
Feel free to buy the Paris ci la sortie du Métro to support us ! Same data, but without ads.
Spread the love, share the joy to save time.
Just be late if you decide to be!
- like us on facebook : facebook.com/ParisCiLaSortie
- follow us on twitter : twitter.com/ParisCiLaSortie
- rate us on Google Play. Good rate, please!
Plan where to stand with Paris ci la Sortie and shave minutes off every trip!
Get a map of the Paris Metro Subway in your pocket !
WAIT...there's more!
Sit in the right place in the Metro to exit in front of our transfer or exits.
NO Phone service, No Internet Connection required !!
Paris Metro, RER and Buses Map included.
Just be late if you decide to be!
Seen on TV and magazine.
We are open to new ideas and suggestions, especially on RER stations maps in order to update our app.
Feel free to contact us at [email protected]
Visit Paris travelling in the metro like a Parisian and save time during your stay in Paris.