このPhoenix Airwavesについて
原因によるラジオ - 人と音楽の力を組み合わせて変化に影響を与える。
Phoenix Airwaves was born out of a desire to help, in some small way, to make the world a better place. To make a difference to someone or something.
The concept of combining two “superpowers” of change:
1. People; and
2. Music - with its power to connect, both on an emotional and universal level came to mind and from this emerged Phoenix Airwaves. In short, we create small business initiatives that align with charities, not-for-profits or social enterprises. Creating a solution for small business that also positively impacts the charities and the amazing work that they do.
It is our hope that:
1. This platform provides organisations with a flexible & creative medium to assist in growing their reach & engaging with their audience in unique & meaningful ways.
2 People will enjoy the range of music genres & stations available through Phoenix Airwaves & show support for their favourite causes by becoming long-term listeners.
3. Phoenix Airwaves may grow over time to become the heart & home of “charity radio”.
We’d love you to tune in to our demo station while our venture is getting started and if you know of a charity or organisation that may find this of interest, we’d be grateful if you would let them know about us.
Together, we can make a difference.