このPics Mate Live Wallpaperについて
A live wallpaper for Android that displays a subset of your photos on your
wallpaper, that are rotated in small intervals of time with beautiful
transitions and effects.
Features include:
- Select the subset of photos from your gallery that you want to display in your wallpaper
- Define your own layouts
- Choose between more than 10 different image effects
- Choose your preferred transitions
- Custom touch actions
- and much more
* My wallpaper was reset to default after a reboot/reset of the device. What went wrong?
Not all devices support to move the app to the sdcard. If after reboot your device the wallpaper is reset to the default then you need to move the app to the internal sdcard. Just go to Settings -> Apps -> Downloaded tab -> Pics Mate and click "Move to phone".
* The font of the settings screen looks like distorted.
The cached font used by the settings screen is corrupted. Goto to Settings -> Apps -> Downloaded tab -> Pisc Mate, force stop and clear cache. Then reselect the app as your wallpaper.
* There are some bug reports on e1901_v77_jbla668_fwvga devices, in which the app causes OpenGL errors, causing continuous force closes.