このPizza Piecesについて
Welcome to Pizza Party
To score points, place six pieces into pizzas to create complete circles. In order to successfully place a piece, there must be an open section of the pizza that matches the shape of the piece. Do this as quickly as you can, the clock is ticking!
☢Score: When you complete a pizza, you get 60 points (10 points per piece). If all of the pieces are the same color, the score increases to 120 points (20 points per piece).
☢Power Supply:When you complete a pizza with a single color that has a power up above it, that power up immediately becomes available. The three power ups are:
☣2x: all points you score while this power up is active will be multiplied by 2.
☣The Bomb: tapping this power up will clear the game board of all pieces. You will receive no points for the pieces cleared.
☣Slow Down: slows down the speed of the piece timer by 50%.
All power ups are valid for 15 seconds.
☢Lives:Every time you complete a pizza with pieces of a single color, you gain one life. Every time you fail to place a piece, or skip a piece by tapping the center pizza, you lose one life.