このRadio FM Plus - Radio Online, Free Live FM AMについて
Radio FM + allows you to listen and enjoy variety of genres like classical, rock, pop, instrumental, hip-hop, gospel, songs, music, talks, news, comedy, shows, concerts and other variety of programs made available by various Internet Radio Broadcasters across the world.
* Everyone can add stations easily
* Sleep timer
* Alarm clock
* Record streams
* Music Player Daemon support
* ChromeCast support
Radio broadcasters keep adding their Radio Stations to Radio FM platform through www.RadioGenre.com So Tunein new radio channels every time you use our app.
• We already have more than 30,000 Radio Stations worldwide
- Be it Kral pop, Super FM 90.8 from Turkey
- Radio Sei, 98.1 FM, 104.5 FM, Tele Stereo 92.7 FM, Centro Suono Sport 101.5 FM, 105 network, RDS from Italy
- Virtual DJ, WIXX, ElectricFM, 1.FM Country One, DEFJAY, MOVIN, WOGK, KJLH, WPOZ, KEXP, KCRW from USA
- Europe 1 104.7 FM, NRJ, Skyrock 96.0 FM, Fun Radio, RMC, RTL2 from France
- BBC, Capital XTRA from UK
• Still you don't find what you are searching, use Suggest Feature. Our team will try to add every new broadcasters for you, so you don't miss your favorite.