Thank you for installing this application, and I hope that it will provide you with the help you need. I want to stress this one crucial fact. Don't become reliant on this app for reading because you are setting yourself up to fail.
How to use this app? Use it when you're just downright tired. Use this app to reinforce what you have read to make sure your understanding was correct. Use it when the literature is new to you. Use it when you come across legal documentation.
What the developer has noticed in himself, not saying you will have the same results. He saw that his reading speeds have increased by 10%. Try it, see what results you get if you hate to read.
Some changes have been made to cut the security risk. There is no more Google browser integration. That alone was too much of a security risk. So, you have two ways of getting text content. You have the online articles, documents, blogs, emails which you copy and paste it into the Read 2 Me screen. Then you have other app content, which the same principle applies. Just copy text and paste it into the Read 2 Me. That's it!
- Short Note: Means you can store a standard document worth of text content. You can save text in here, but you can't manipulate/change it unless you delete it. Tap screen to paste, save, checkbox/delete and Copy to Clipboard
- Long Note: Means you can store more than a standard document worth of text content. You can save text in here, manipulate or change it. To paste, you will need to know how to copy and paste the usual way.
- Suggestions on what other apps that would make a good companion for the time being. Changes are always happening.
Also, it now accommodates tablets with very little difference. I'm limited as far as device and was able to test it on a 7in. Android Tablet. If you have a ten-inch Tablet, please try it out for me and send screenshots. Thank You!
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最新バージョン 2.6 の更新情報
- Unnecessary content removed
- Designs are much cleaner