Refocus Official App
At Refocus we help you relieve pain, stress and anxiety. We appreciate neurodiversity, the various modes of functioning, learning and interaction with others: high potential, hypersensitivity, hyperemotionality, hyperactivity, autism, attention disorders, dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia and others. The somatic methods practiced at Centerrez-vous focus on the body and can help you in cases of:
- Anxiety
- Chronic stress
- Pain caused by treatments
- Chronic pain
- Old injuries
- Panic attacks and anxiety attacks
- Vagal discomfort
- Burnout
- Insomnia and sleeping problems
- Mental fatigue and chronic fatigue
- Joint disorders and fibromyalgia
- Symptoms of autoimmune diseases
- Post-traumatic stress linked to attacks, road accidents, operations
- Trauma and trauma
Refocus is a center in Virton, Belgium. You can also find us online, via our website or via our application. The Recentrez-vous application is free. It allows you to stay informed of our activities, register for our courses, practice sessions, workshops, training and make appointments.