このRenal Mass - Bosniakについて
This application allows classification of cystic renal masses according to the Bosniak classification system and management recommandations as published in radiology in 2008 for cystic and solid masses.
Cystic lesions : after description of the lesion, a schematic is displayed by the app, as well as the Bosniak classification and management options according to the clinical context.
Solid lesions : after description of the lesion, management options are provided according to the clinical context.
A pubmed link to the original paper (Radiology 2008) is available in-app.
It is designed to promote the Bosniak classification system within the radiologic and urologic communities, to provide efficiency gains to radiologists reading abdominal imaging, and to improve the accuracy of reports.
It can be useful to radiologists, urologists and medical students.
For any suggestion : contact : [email protected]