Uninstalled. When I press sign up it crashes. Please make it compatible with Fire tablets.
You know how Alphabet/Google pretends to be SO concerned about racial equality etc etc? Well, they're not. How many of you knew that they host the backup site for a Neo N^zi hate group? Yep. Here's the link to that backup site, HOSTED by Google: nwordmania (dot) blogspot (dot) com
1) It's sad that I have to say this but replace the (dot) with an actual dot
2) nwordmania is literally spelled just like that, at least on the backup page.
You've been betrayed by your beloved Google, and now...you have proof!
Google aggressively and maliciously censors Christian and conservative content, yet hosts the backup site for a Neo Naz! hate group that calls for violence against anyone who is black.- ウェブサイト
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